Life cannot get any better than fresh peaches and blueberries on my corn flakes in the morning. At least that's what I thought this morning. It got better though when I had fresh peaches and blueberries again for desert at lunch at my friends' house today. Wow.
Then I got home, played with the doggies and fed them. Next I framed my pastel in a plain black frame I've had for a few years and hung it up in the house. Wow again. Nothing like new art. It's as good as new clothes, or better. The doggies then went to the pen and I did my yoga practise. So tired. Tired of my curving back, it curves the wrong way, on a bad day I can feel it curving a lot and my chest closing. So, between the tiredness and my back issues I decided, okay body, I know what you need, INVERSIONS!
Nothing like inversions to wake you up and open your back. In headstand I supported my back with an outer corner of the wall completely supporting my spine. Once I could rest my spine and therefore not worry about balance I could make adjustments without using any strength at all. But it was the three backbends after my shoulder stand that really helped the most. Using a chair, a mat and a wooden block, following Jawahar's instructions, I rested my hands on the back of the chair and stretched my upper back a lot. Shoulder blades firm into the back. My breathing felt so open, like I hadn't breathed in ten years. Deep, deep breaths.
So you see, life can get better than fresh peaches and blueberries sometimes. I can wait for the fresh fruit again till the morning. What a taste though. And what a feeling in those backbends. And that new art is fun. On a day like today, life is very, very good.
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